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How to Get Rid of Unwanted Messages on Facebook Messenger?

We use the Facebook Messenger app to communicate with our friends all over the world. Nobody can deny that it has been an amazing platform, providing its users with an opportunity to communicate with anyone at any time.


However, it has its downside also as it gives access to some strangers and unwanted people to send annoying messages. Receiving such messages often makes us want to delete the Facebook Messenger app altogether.


But instead of doing this, you can easily get rid of them by deleting the person from Messenger. Why affect your social media life because of such nuisances? So, if you want to know how to delete someone from Messenger then keep yourself hooked to this piece of content.

Learn to Delete Someone from your Messenger App

To get rid of such irritating messages and people who send them to you, there are various ways. The first one is to simply delete their message and then delete the sender also from the Messenger. If the sender is in your contact list, then you can also unfriend them. However, that way you will still receive messages from them. The best way is to remove them forever by blocking them from both your Facebook Messenger and Facebook Account. However, the Facebook Messenger grey checkmark under the message will inform them that they have been blocked.


Follow these steps to delete someone from your Messenger.

  • The first step is to delete the conversation that you had with them. To do so, right-click and hold to open the submenu and click on the Delete to permanently delete the conversation.
  • Now, open Messenger and click on the people contact icon. Choose the contact that you want to remove
  • Go to the Info icon and select the Remove contact.


You have successfully done your job and deleted the person from your Messenger. Now no one will pester you on the Facebook Messenger app and your social media life will be peaceful again. Keep these steps in your mind as you might need to follow them in the future as well to remove someone from your Messenger.

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If you're having trouble getting in touch with customer service, try a live chat or online chatting session instead. This can facilitate communication with support staff via real-time chat. amanda the adventurer
Verfasst am 13.09.23 22:29.